

How to protect yourself from the sun in summer

This summer, the sun exposure and high temperature came unexpectedly, walking on the road, many people sunscreen clothes, sunscreen hats, umbrellas, sunglasses.

Sun protection is a topic that can not be avoided in summer, in fact, exposure will not only tan, sunburn, but also cause skin aging, the formation of sun spots, in the process of skin aging, light aging is the most important reason for skin aging. Therefore, the right sun protection in summer is crucial. The following will give you a detailed introduction to the correct method and precautions for summer sun protection.


1. Choose the right sunscreen

Sunscreen is an important tool for sun protection. Choosing the right sunscreen is very important to protect your skin. First, choose a product with broad spectrum protection, that is, protection against both UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays. Second, pay attention to the sunscreen’s SPF number, which indicates the product’s ability to protect against UVB radiation. Generally speaking, the higher the SPF value, the greater the protection capability. It is recommended to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of more than 30 and reapply it regularly. One of the ingredients often used in sunscreens is OMC.

Octyl 4-methoxycinnamate (OMC) is a popular sunscreen that is capable of absorbing UV in the 280-310nm wavelength range, with maximum absorption occurring at 311nm. Because of its high absorption rate, good safety (minimal toxicity) and good solubility to oily raw materials, this compound is widely used in the fields of daily chemicals, plastics, rubber  and coatings, as an oil-soluble liquid UV-B absorber. It is often used in combination with other sunscreens to achieve high SPF values, and is locally well tolerated, with almost negligible skin irritation, low incidence of photocontact dermatitis, and no toxicity from systemic absorption.


2. Avoid periods of high sunlight intensity

In the summer, the sun is most intense, especially in the afternoon, when ultraviolet radiation is also the most intense. Therefore, in order to avoid skin damage, it is best to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during this time. If you must go out, you can choose to wear a sun hat, sunglasses and long-sleeved clothing to reduce the area of skin contact with the sun.

3. Moisturize

After prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin tends to lose moisture, so it is important to keep your skin hydrated. Choose refreshing, non-clogging moisturizing products, such as moisturizing spray, moisturizing mask, etc. to hydrate the skin at any time. In addition, drinking plenty of water is also an important way to keep your skin hydrated.

4. Extra protection

In addition to using sunscreen, you can enhance your sun protection by taking additional precautions. For example, wearing a sun hat, sunglasses, umbrellas, etc. can minimize the area of direct sunlight on the skin. In addition, choose light and breathable clothing to protect your skin from direct contact with the sun.

5. The importance of sun protection isn’t just in the summer

Although summer is the peak time for sun protection, sun protection is equally important in other seasons. Whether it is spring, fall or winter, UV rays are present and can have an impact on the skin. So, develop the good habit of sun protection all year round.

6. Give specific areas extra protection

In addition to the face, neck and hands, there are special areas that need extra protection from the sun. For example, the ears, back, ankles and other easily overlooked areas also need to be sunscreen. Choose to use a spray-on sunscreen that can be easily applied to these hard-to-reach areas.


7. Supplement with sunscreen foods

Some foods rich in antioxidants can enhance the skin’s ability to repair itself, thus reducing the damage caused by UV rays. For example, strawberries, tomatoes, green tea and other foods are rich in antioxidants, which can be appropriately increased intake. In addition, a moderate intake of foods rich in vitamins C and E also helps to protect and repair the skin.

8. Watch how you use sunscreen

The correct use of sunscreen is also the key to ensuring sun protection. First of all, sunscreen should be applied 15-30 minutes before going out to allow the product to fully absorb. Secondly, apply evenly, do not ignore any part, including the face, neck, arms, etc. Also pay attention to the parts that are easily exposed to the sun, such as the nose and behind the ears. Finally, according to the product’s instructions carefully choose the number of times and reapply time to maintain the sun protection effect.

To sum up, the right way to sun protection in summer includes choosing the right sunscreen, avoiding periods of high sun intensity, paying attention to hydration and moisturizing, taking extra protective measures, developing good habits of sun protection throughout the year, strengthening the sun protection of special areas, appropriate intake of antioxidant-rich foods, and the correct use of sunscreen. These measures will help protect the skin from UV damage and keep it healthy and youthful.

Post time: May-21-2024